Poverty alleviation and small-scale fisheries

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Literature review on poverty in fishing communities Global

Food and Agricultural Organisation FAO - Project Dates:
March 2002 - April 2002

Description of Project:
A literature review was completed of studies on poverty in fishing communities and lessons learned in using the sustainable livelihoods approach (SLA) in poverty alleviation strategies.

Services Provided:
The work analysed and synthesized published information on: 1) the applied methodology and findings of studies to analyse poverty in fishing communities, 2) the findings of lessons-learned studies on applying the SLA to fisheries and rural development, 3) the use of SLA in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, 4) the “commons” nature of fisheries: cause or remedy of poverty? 5) the special characteristics of small-scale fishers’ vulnerability and coping mechanisms, 6) the impact of technological change on efficiency, equity and poverty, 7) the role of fish workers’ organizations in reducing poverty, and 8) the critical factors for artisanal/small-scale fishers to get out of poverty.