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Region:    Asia, Australasia & the Pacific

Pre-Feasibility Study on Management, Retrieval and Recycling of Used and Abandoned, Lost and Discarded Fishing Gear, and Inventory of Plastic Use and Loss from Aquaculture Indonesia

World Bank - Project Dates:
September 2020 - April 2021

Description of Project:
The purpose of this assignment is to assist the Government of Indonesia in implementing its 2017-2025 National Plan of Action on Marine Plastic Debris (NPOA-MPD) noting the ambitious aim to reduce plastic marine debris by 70% by 2025. The objective of this consultancy is to conduct a pre-feasibility study on the options for the management, retrieval, appropriate disposal and the potential for circularity by re-using or recycling of used and ghost gear in Indonesia, through public-private partnership mechanisms.

Services Provided:

Poseidon, together with PT Hatfield Indonesia, The purpose of this assignment is to assist the Government of Indonesia in implementing its 2017-2025 National Plan of Action on Marine Plastic Debris (NPOA-MPD) noting the ambitious aim to reduce plastic marine debris by 70% by 2025. The objective of this consultancy is to conduct a pre-feasibility study on the options for the management, retrieval, appropriate disposal and the potential for circularity by re-using or recycling of used and ghost gear in Indonesia, through public-private partnership mechanisms.  The expected outputs included:

  • Definition of ALDFG in the Indonesian context;
  • Specification of methodologies for estimating (i) the magnitude and composition of ALDFG and ghost gear in sampling sites and extrapolation to Indonesia and (ii) the repartition and density of ghost gear in specific areas;
    Identification of gaps and proposition of actions for improving the estimates and setting up a monitoring system;
    Identification of the causes of abandonment, loss or discard of gear;
  • Proposing efficient and effective contextualized approaches for reducing occurrence of ALDFG, retrieving ghost gear, ensuring adequate disposal and promoting re-use or recycling of ALDFG and ghost gear.
  • Conduct an inventory of plastic leakage from aquaculture, in order to estimate the scale of the issue and the need for addressing it.